More mytholigically cold weather on the way. I won't bore you with the details but suffice it to say that the governor of our rather large state has cancelled school throughout because of the impending cold. Saturday was lovely, though. And we made merry, soaking up the snow and sun all day long.
Do you know of Norah Gaughan, the knitter? The queen of cables? The Aeneas Sweater is one that I had been drooling over for a long time when I finally cast it on last January. It was a bit of an intimidating knit and it seemed doomed at the beginning and then again at the end when I ran out of yarn. I purchased more yarn in colorway that doesn't match, capped the sleeves, screamed a bit, then stashed it away - taking it out only for a brief appearance at a fibery gathering.
The cold weather demands heavy knits so this weekend I went looking for it again.
It's a beautiful pattern with such a clever shape. I'd have loved to have had those beautiful long sleeves but they're a bit impracticle for a mom who is perpetually scrubbing something or digging in the snow, dirt or chicken coop.
Embracing the imperfection and looking forward to casting on a selfish project again sometime soon:) My complete ravelry notes are here.