I'm just feeling so grateful for having had the opportunity to post over on the KCW. I'm sorry to keep blathering on about it but it's just been so fun. Are you going to do it this time? Never sewn? Wanna give it a go alongside a bunch of other enthusisasts doing it just for the fun and community of it? Join us! Will you?
I'm joining the Small Things readers today to share what I'm reading and knitting. I'm almost through Brene Brown's second book. I haven't heard her TED talk, but I first heard of Ms. Brown on Krista Tippet's On Being (one of my go-to radio programs to listen to while I'm sewing) and I remember really liking the interview.
The book is less compelling to me, though I think that the ideas are really important. I do think about the book often. The last book that I read before this (well, listened to) was Sarah Napthali's Buddhism for Mothers, which I LOVED and would recommend for mothers who are choosing between the two - although the themes are certainly complimentary. I'll be that Brene Brown doesn't expect people to "like" her book either, that's not really the point.
I've been wanting to make Hillary Frazier's Knit Pixie Bonnet for some time - actually the knitting portion has been complete for some time. But as is my practice I struggled with the Kitchener join and abandoned the sweet little thing. I finally got with it again today. Full Ravelry notes here.
I think that I've discovered my new favorite time of day to take pictures. The winter sunsets are the best.
Oh! And the dress! It's yet another version of the earlier one - this time with sleeves and without a ruffle per her request.
I'm happy to be back knitting - I've got so many projects planned. Suddenly winter is seeming too short! I better keep that under wraps, though. Last year we had a heavy snow in May:(
What are you stitching on these days?
Thanks to Small Things for providing a space to share.
And don't forget to enter a comment to be entered in the giveaway from Monday's post!!