Nothing finished here today except several loads of laundry, but there are things in the works. I've been cutting out feathers all day by the pellet stove; working out a clever idea for the boy dreamed up by a good friend.
Blocking some knits.
And casting on others. All the while laundering and staring at some fabric. Icy roads kept us out of town a bit longer this weekend then we expected. As a result, I didn't get started on the sewing as planned. And the kids are beat after having been stuck in the car for two days while we skated our way home on the subzero (sub forty below zero F ), icy roads.
For some reason the heater is not working in the sewing space. It's winter coat weather in there and pretty much everywhere else in this old house. But tonight's the night. My husband has promised to make dinner and I've got my down jacket and winter boots ready for sewing in - I will not be detoured!!
Joining in with the Small Things readers and knitters today.